Simple binding of the Tk toolkit to Lua. Use by requiring “ltk”.

Author: Gunnar Zötl, 2010, 2011.
Released under MIT/X11 license. See file LICENSE for details.


This is a thin layer over Tcl/Tk, intended to be usable in a manner that allows for everything the standard Tcl/Tk combo can do, while providing just enough magic to make it usable in a reasonably intuitive fashion from Lua.

The functions that create widgets receive their arguments as a table. Tk Widgets are wrapped into Lua tables, which are stored internally in the ltk module. Only the Tk widget id is returned to the callse. Lua functions are supported as event handling functions for Tk widgets. Any necessary registering and unregistering of with the interpreter is handled transparently by the ltk state.

As Lua can not call strings without some additional magic, widget commands are created by means of ltk.wcmd. This creates a function that, wenn called, invokes the widget command specified as the first argument passed to the function. Just like the functions that create widgets, widget command functions receive their arguments in a table.

Function arguments to widget creation or widget commands can be specified in 2 ways: most of the time you will just specify a regular Lua function, which will then be called without arguments or with arguments as defined in the documentation for the option the function is passed to. Then there is also the bind-style function specification, where you may provide parameters to be substituted at function call time. For this you specify a table, where the first entry is the table, and all following entries are arguments that will be passed to the function at call time. See the documentation of the Tk bind function for a list of available parameters.

The ltk wrappers for the Tk functions also receive their arguments in a table. In a deviation from the above, the ltk utility functions receive standard argument lists, not tables.

The simple rule thus is: widget creation, widget commands and Tk functions receive their arguments in a table, ltk utility functions take normal argument lists.

Initializing the ltk state

Requiring this module creates a Tcl interpreter object, loads the Tk toolkit into it, and initializes it. After that, all things Tk are available from the module ltk.


Widgets are returned by the ltk widget creation functions as strings. Widget commands can be created through ltk.wcmd, which returns a function that invokes the widget commands. Arguments for widget creation are supplied in a table, which can contain both an array and a hash part. The members of the array part will be at the start of the argument list, the members of the hash part after that. The keys of the hash part are inserted with a leading ‘-‘ into the argument list. You never supply the widget name as in Tk, ltk takes care of this automatically. Basically, creating a widget looks like this:

b=ltk.button { text="Ok" }

For reference, this is the ltk counterpart of the following piece of Tcl:

button .b -text OK

The widget commands created by ltk.wcmd are called in exactly the same way, using a table for its arguments, so after the above you could do:

bcmd = ltk.wcmd(b)
bcmd {'cget', 'text'}

Alternatively you can call the widget command directly through ltk.wcmd, which also receives the the widget command and its arguments in a table:

ltk.wcmd(b){'cget', 'text'}

If a widget should be created within another widget, the parent widget must be provided as a separate first argument to the widget creation function, like so:

l = ltk.labelframe {text = "Example"}
b = ltk.button(l) {text = "Hallo"}

All widgets are internally stored as Lua tables, that keep track of the housekeeping stuff. A event handler is registered for the widgets in order to do necessary cleanup work when the widget is destroyed. You can still register your own handler, this will not interfere with the housekeeping.

Also, there are wrapper functions for all supported widgets of Tk 8.4, which do additional magic, for example for function arguments. For the implemented widgets, arguments and options are as per Tk documentation, except where noted otherwise below.

Supported Tk widgets

See the Tk documentation on how to use these. The widgets starting with ttk_ map to the Tk 8.5 ttk:: widgets, so for example ltk.ttk_button is the Tk 8.5 widget ttk::button. These widgets are of course only available with Tk8.5 and later, on earlier versions attempts to create these widgets will throw an error.

Tcl/Tk and utility functions

There are three different kinds of functions. Not that you would notice, but this is to help you find the documentation for each. Mostly there are wrappers for the Tk functions, which are obviously documented in the Tk documentation. Then there are wrappers for a very few Tcl functions, that seem immediately useful in conjunction with ltk, these are documented in the Tcl documentation. And finally there are a few ltk specific utility functions, these are documented below.

Supported Tcl/Tk functions

See the Tcl/Tk documentation on how to use these. Only things specific to ltk are documented here.

Additional utility functions

These are additional functions provided by ltk, which aid in the Lua<->Tcl interaction. These functions receive standard argument lists!

Accessing Tcl/Tk variables

Some Tk widgets can set Tcl variables or read their values from them. You can access those variables from Lua using the ltk.var array. In order to access a Tcl variable named tclvar, from Lua you would access ltk.var.tclvar. Only String, Number, Boolean or List Variables can be accessed in that manner. This uses the ltcl getvar/setvar methods, so the var array behaves almost exactly like those methods. The only difference is that reading a variable from ltk.var, that is not defined in the Tcl interpreter, no error is thrown and instead nil is returned. See README_ltcl for more information.

Adding Tk widgets

In order to allow for a streamlined use of Tk extension widgets, two functions are provided that allow to add new tk widgets to a ltk module.

Shared libraries providing new Tk widgets are loaded into the interpreter using ltk.addpackage(pkg). This does a ‘package require “pkg”’ in the Tcl interpreter used by the ltk module.

The widgets you want to use can then be added using the function ltk.addtkwidget(wtype[, cfix[, wfix[, wname]]]). The first argument is the name of the widget type, for a button widget this would be ‘button’. The second argument, cfix, is an optional array of keys, for which the corresponding values in the widget creation function can be functions. For positional arguments, you can have a number in the table, for options you would have the name of the option, minus the leading ‘-‘. The third argument, wfix, is an optional table where the indices are the names of widget commands that may have functions or scripts as arguments, and the value is a table like cfix. Both the cfix and wfix argument can be nil. The final Argument, wname, is an optional name for the widget. If specified, the widget will be available as ltk.x_$wname, For example, the definition of the text widget would be:

ltk.addtkwidget('text', {'xscrollcommand', 'yscrollcommand', 'create'}, {
    ['bind'] = {3}

This means that we want to add a widget of type “text”. It has three configuration options that take code as argumeents, those are ‘xscrollcommand’, ‘yscrollcommand’ and ‘create’. The ‘configure’ widget command is also adjusted to handle this. Also, the ‘bind’ widget command takes a function argument that is specified at the third position in the argument list. For example, given t being a widget of said type, using the widget command

ltk.wcmd(t) {'bind', '<someevent>', somefunction }

the third entry in the widget command table would be fixed for use with tk.
The resulting widget creation function is then available through the ltk module under the name x_$wtype, or if specified, as ltk.x_$wname. If a widget type used as a name here contains colons, they will be replaced by underscores. For the above text widget this would be then available as ltk.x_text. This name is also returned when ltk.getwidgettype() is called on a widget created by this function. The widget created by such a function is completely integrated with the ltk module, and behaves like any other widget in all regards.

Notes on events

When a Lua event handler is registered for a event, and there is an error in that Lua function, it may not be reported. This only applies to events, all other events do not have this "problem". In order to find bugs in your handler code, use pcall to wrap the handler code, like so:

function destroy_handler()
  local ok, msg = pcall(function()
    ... your code goes here
  if not ok then print msg end

Also, you should not refer to your ltk module from handlers, as they may be called on application shutdown, and your ltk module may be partially or completely invalid at this point.

Misc stuff

The ltk module exports 3 additional constants: _TKVERSION, _VERSION and _REVISION. _TKVERSION contains the version of the loaded Tk toolkit. The fields _VERSION and _REVISION contain the ltk version information. As long as the _VERSION number is the same, there have been no changes to the module API. Bugfix releases only increment the _REVISION number. These constants are also available through any created ltk module.

The ltk module also has an additional accessible field that might be interesting. This is the field tcl, which contains the Tcl interpreter used by the ltk state. Take a look at README_ltcl for additional information, if you want to directly use that. If you need to call back into Lua from Tcl, you will need to either register the function with Tcl before using it, or if you can directy call back using the Tcl command “lua” that is a part of ltcl. See README_ltcl for additional information.

If you use the Tcl interpreter directly, keep in mind that any symbol of the form .__ltk* is reserved for use by ltk.

Errors are propagated as described in the “Error handling” section of README_ltcl. This has the nice side effect that once the application is runing in the mainloop, errors on the Lua side will be presented to the user in the same way as errors on the Tcl side, in a message box.

After the widget ‘.’ has been destroyed (for example, by clicking on its windows close icon), the ltk module state is invalid.


I worked with Tcl/Tk 8.4 and 8.5. The relevant documentation is here:

for Tcl 8.4 at
for Tk 8.4 at
for Tcl 8.5 at
for Tk 8.5 at
and for general Tk stuff also